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Model View/Preview URLs

It can be useful to provide a link to a product in order for a store admin to see how it will live prior to it going live, or just to have a direct link to it. To enable this feature you will need to add a supporting class to config/lunar-hub/storefront.php.


namespace App\Storefront;

use Lunar\Models\Product;

class ProductUrls
    public function preview(Product $product)
        if (!$product->defaultUrl) {
           return false;
        return route('product.preview', $product->defaultUrl->slug, [
            'preview' => true,

    public function view(Product $product)
        if (!$product->defaultUrl) {
           return false;
        return route('product.view', $product->defaultUrl->slug);
'model_routes' => [
    // ...
    \Lunar\Models\Product::class => \App\Storefront\ProductUrls::class,